Live Entertainment at the Fort
Eric “Many Winds” Herrera
With more than 36 years of experience as a musician across several instruments, Eric performs on his American Indian flute most Friday and Saturday evenings at The Fort. His heritage includes Blackfeet Indian, European Hispanic and German, and Eric considers his music as a way of honoring his American Indian heritage. Through his music, his intent is to tell the Native American story and to enrich the lives of those who hear it.
Michael Schaubs
A geologist by trade, Michael has maintained an interest in the fur trade throughout his life and shares his passion and knowledge of the fur trade with the general public as a living history interpreter. You can find him at The Fort every Saturday night, welcoming guests as a fur trader and sharing his vast knowledge throughout the evening.
The Victorian Carolers, “Confetti”
The Carolers entertains most Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights in December. They are a dynamic, award-winning singing troupe that has performed at The Fort for 20 years. Their large repertoire of holiday favorites with unique musical arrangements have been hailed as "Amazing!", "Absolutely stunning!", and "So much FUN!". Go back in time for a true taste of 19th century holiday celebrations for the entire family to enjoy.